Author: Cici MontalvoMajor: BiologyApproved: Spring 2021Status: In progress The American lobster (Homarus americanus) has an open circulatory system compared to a closed one. They are…
Category: Biology
Author: Amelia PageMajor: BiologyApproved: Spring 2021Status: In progress When a cell is pluripotent, it is able to differentiate into other types of cells that make…
Author: Galen Williamson Major: Biochemistry Approved: Spring 2020 Status: In progress Adenosine deaminase (ADA) is an enzyme that converts deoxyadenosine into deoxyinosine and adenosine into…
Author: Madalyn Wheeler Major: Biochemistry Approved: Spring 2020 Status: Completed The goal of this study is to use CRISPR/Cas9 to induce a targeted mutation in…
Author: Samantha Luby Major: Biology Approved: Spring 2020 Status: Completed Ticks are vectors that can transmit pathogens to humans and other animals, such as dogs.…
Author: Lexie Duttera Major: Biochemistry Approved: Spring 2020 Status: In progress Women in STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) are becoming more and more well known.…
Author: Amanda Grady Major: Environmental Studies, Biology Approved: Spring 2019 Status: Completed The Dragon Research Collaborative (DRC) is a group of professors, students, museums and…
Author: Braden Wright Major: Biology Approved: Spring 2019 Status: Completed The American lobster (Homarus americanus) is capable of mounting an impressive immune response to acute…
Author: Isabel Hildesheim Major: Biology Approved: Spring 2018 Status: Completed Moss are an extremely sensitive and important part of many different habitats. Utilizing them to…
Author: Katie Hefele Major: Biology Approved: Spring 2019 Status: Completed The American lobster and the Caribbean spiny lobster (like other decapod crustaceans) employ a single…